A day start with what I'm going through,
Million of thoughts running and killing me inside,
A thing doing forcely which hits back a pain and where I cannot vomit out and pack the pain inside me,
Everyone says it was happen, you can forget, you only need some time.
I say it was happen , it taken all my happiness,
I say, it take time to pass the days, but not the pain that filled inside me.
I just tired of filling the blocks that was broken, but they aren't for long time.
I feel I'm depressed, having only a thought that I can't get it now because it was happened and I can't stop thinking over it.
It had been a years I'm trying to forget yet the inner me carrying a lot everyday.
Everyone says has days goes the pain reduces, but for me every day that the day comes the pack of pain in me increases.
The worse feeling always I have is I need to hold the pain and can't cry out loudly.
So I always end up writing when I feel bad.